Membership by Mail

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Membership Form

Thanks for joining.  We look forward to having you as a part of our poetry community!

Date _______________________________
Name ______________________________
Phone (       ) ____________
Address ____________________________________________
City _____________________________ State______________
Zip __________
Email Address ________________________________________

Membership Type

(check one):
Regular (Annual Dues $30) _____
Student (Annual Dues $10) _____
Lifetime ($500) _____
Please include a check for the appropriate amount (made out to NCPS) with your application.

Is this a New Membership?

(please circle):

Each new member may choose to receive a critique of three poems.  If you wish the critique, send your poems in .doc format to msjoan9@gmail.comAlternately, if you have no access to email, send three copies of each poem and two SASEs along with this form to the address below.

Want to Volunteer?

Please let us know if you would like to serve on a committee by specifying one of the following:
Workshops  _____
Book Sales   _____
Membership  _____
Other: _____________

How to submit your membership information

1. If you would like, email a biographical sketch of up to 150 words for our newsletter, Pine Whispers, to (or with your completed membership form to the address below if you have no email).

2. If you would like a critique of your poetry, email three poems, in .doc format, to (or send three copies of each poem and two SASEs with your completed membership form to the address below if you have no email).

Send your completed membership form, and a check for the correct membership category, made out to NCPS, to:

NCPS Membership
c/o Joan Barasovska
2514 Solstice Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

 Please note that your check may take 4-8 weeks to be processed.